Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 2, 2010

Ideally, Army are Looking at between 6 and 12 Attack Helicopters

1 Maret 2010

Malaysian Army wants purchase of attack helicopter expanding the 11 AW-109 as light observation helicopters (photo : Finmeccanica)

Army Eyes Attack Copter

KUALA LUMPUR: While the emphasis is on expanding its light-observation helicopters (LOH), the army wants to boost its mobility and firepower with the eventual purchase of attack helicopters.

Army chief Gen Tan Sri Muhammad Ismail Jamaluddin said the Defence Ministry was all for buying more LOH to supplement the 11 AgustaWestland 109 helicopters and 10 Aerospatiale SA316 Alouette III helicopters serving with the 881st air corps squadron.

"This is the priority in view of satisfying the Nuri (Sikorsky S-61) replacement programme in the next three years so that we have a sufficient fleet of combat search and rescue helicopters.

"But, in the long run, we are looking at procuring attack helicopters for the purpose of tank-hunting and to destroy enemy radars, bunkers and troop formations," he said at the ministry's office in Jalan Padang Tembak, in conjunction with the 77th anniversary of Army Day today.

Ismail said attack helicopters were costly and an expensive platform to operate, given the long period to train personnel and equip the squadrons.

"Ideally, we are looking at between six and 12 attack helicopters to form a reasonably effective squadron.

"But that will depend largely on the budget allocation." The same reasoning, he added, applied to the army's ambition of supplementing its arsenal and equipment.

The army's artillery includes 36 Artillery Saturation Rocket System (Astros II) multiple launch rocket systems and 28 G5 MkIII towed artillery guns from South Africa.

Air defence is provided by a mix of Swiss Oerlikon twin 35mm and Swedish Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns and missile systems such as the Jernas and Starburst from Britain, Anza from Pakistan, FN-6 from China and Igla from Russia.

The army, Ismail said, was poised to establish a second Astros regiment by next year and eventually increase the strength to a third by the 11th Malaysia Plan.

Astros is developed and manufactured by Avibras Aerospacial SA of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In August 2007, Malaysia placed an order for a second batch of 18 Astros II systems. The first batch of 18 systems was delivered in 2002.

Starburst is a man-portable, surface-to-air missile produced by Shorts Missile Systems of Belfast, Northern Ireland (now known as Thales Air Defence Limited).Ismail said by the end of the year, the army's main-battle tank squadrons would be fully operational with the delivery of PT-91 Pendekar and support vehicles. The army procured 48 PT-91 from Poland in 2007.

"We are also seeking 20 units of 6x6 heavy vehicles as replacement for the ageing Radpanzer Condor armoured personnel carriers, especially to facilitate United Nations' peacekeeping duties."

Apart from the 460 Radpanzer Condor APCs, the army operates 26 FV101 Scorpion 90 tracked armoured reconnaissance vehicles; 184 Sibma 90 armoured fighting support vehicles; 211 Adnan armoured infantry fighting vehicles; 111 K-200 Korean infantry fighting vehicles; 25 Stormer APCs; and 80 BV206 armoured tracked vehicles.

To enhance security of its armouries, Ismail said there were plans to install biometric fingerprint scanners to monitor the access and movement of firearms and other arsenal.

"If a soldier fails to return his firearm after duty within the stipulated period, an alarm will buzz. These are ways to minimise unauthorised use of ammunition and weapons."

On another note, Ismail said the army regularly reviewed the terms and conditions of service, remuneration, career development and basic amenities to improve the quality of life of soldiers of all ranks.

"There are 31 ongoing projects to renovate and upgrade dilapidated camps, barracks and offices. Thirty new camps -- including four that have been completed -- will meet the demand."

The four camps already built are the Mahkota Camp in Kluang, Johor; Pulada Camp in Ulu Tiram, Johor; Wardieburn Camp in Kuala Lumpur; and Kubota Camp in Tawau, Sabah.

On education, the army has to date sponsored 6,365 servicemen for further studies in line with competency-based training assessment and to make them marketable.

"Under the 'from the cradle to the grave' concept, a soldier's welfare and job satisfaction is looked into so that he is inspired to self-develop and synergise with the expectations and aspirations of the army.

"This will, in turn, help mould a credible and professional force," Ismail said.
(New Straits Times)

DARPA Eyes Foliage-Penetrating Radar Signal Processing Workstation to Detect Infantry Moving in Forests

1 Maret 2010

Foliage Penetration Radar (photo : Lockheed Martin)

ARLINGTON - Radar signal processing experts at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., are asking industry to develop a data-processing workstation to help pinpoint concentrations of foot soldiers moving in thick forests and other dense foliage.

The idea is to process radar signals from a foliage penetrating (FOPEN) radar mounted to manned and unmanned helicopters to filter out radar clutter like animals, wind-blown foliage, and moving water to estimate the position, size, and direction of travel of infantry concentrations moving in foliage.

The program is called Foliage Penetrating Ground Moving Target Indicator Radar Exploitation and Planning (FOPEN-GXP). Its goal is to develop and integrated a set of tools to enhance foliage-penetrating radar data as modules into a FOPEN-GXP system workstation.

DARPA wants to demonstrate the effectiveness of such a workstation with data from the Foliage Penetration Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and Engagement Radar (FORESTER) system, developed by Syracuse Research Corp. in North Syracuse, N.Y., which is mounted to a Boeing A-160 Hummingbird unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

FORESTER radar (photo : DARPA)

DARPA issued a broad agency announcement (DARPA-BAA-10-07) Wednesday for the FOPEN-GXP program to develop foliage-penetrating radar signal processing workstations with modules that discriminate between Doppler radar signatures, estimate the state and activities of detected infantry concentrations, and plan where to place the radar sensors and determine radar modes for best results.

DARPA has tested the FORESTER radar on a manned UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, as well as on an A-160 Hummingbird unmanned helicopter. Last year, DARPA expert tested the FORESTER on an A-160 to detect radar returns from moving humans and animals, ground vehicles, boats, and other clutter and false targets.

(Military & Aerospace Electronics)

Revolutionary CTAI Weapon System to Start Qualification

1 Maret 2010

The 40mm's cannon with CTAI technology (photo : Deagel)

BOURGES, France - A revolutionary new weapon system for the British and French armies has been given a major boost with the signing on the 8th of February of an £11m contract with the French and UK ministries of defence.

Under the contract, CTA International, an Anglo-French joint venture between BAE Systems and Nexter Systems, will begin qualification in early 2011 of cannon and ammunition for the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP), the Scout reconnaissance vehicle for the British Army and the future recce vehicle for the French Army.

Qualification is a rigorous process designed to prove that a weapon system is safe, effective and reliable. Both the gun and ammunition will be subjected to freezing, baking, extremes of humidity and a series of "shake, rattle and roll" trials to demonstrate that they will operate under every foreseeable circumstance. While the system has been passed for manned firing and considerable data has already been collected, these trials will formally pass the system for use by the British and French armies.

While CTAI's 40mm Cased Telescoped Cannon and Ammunition (CTCA) was mandated for WCSP and the Scout vehicle by the UK Ministry of Defence in March 2008, the turrets and Scout chassis will be selected through competition.

The UK and French ministries of defence have already agreed a Government to Government Technical Arrangement for a jointly-funded qualification programme which will require some 15,000 rounds. The final ammunition requirements will be defined once the prime contractors are announced in the next few weeks.

The next step will be the negotiation for the series production of the CT cannon.

BAE Systems Global Combat Systems - Munitions (GCSM), under a licence granted by CTAI, recently submitted a proposal to UK MoD for the production of series ammunition through the existing MASS munitions supply contract for the UK MoD. A licence will also be granted to Nexter Munitions for the provision of series ammunition for the French DGA.

The 40mm CTCA system's ease of use, ability to fire accurately on the move, versatility and much-increased punch will give a major firepower boost to the British and French Armies.

The 40mm high explosive round has more than three times the explosive power of the 30mm Rarden currently fitted to Warrior and the Scimitar Vehicle which Scout will replace, while its armour-piercing projectile will penetrate more than 140mm of steel armour.

The weapon system's innovative design takes conventional cannon and ammunition technology but packages it in a novel space-saving way, by putting the projectile inside its case and packing the propellant around it - "cased telescoped".

This halves the length of the round and improves the volumetric efficiency by 30 percent for a given level of performance. The CT cannon occupy the space of a conventional 25mm weapon inside a turret while giving the performance of a 45-50mm system.

Ammunition is introduced to the gun, not by a conventional breach from the rear, but from a static ammunition feeder into a rotating breech via a hollow trunnion. This design allows the breech to be well forward of the crew, giving much better communications and "fightability" for vehicle crews.

The cylindrical ammunition is also much easier to stow and handle by automated systems. Reliability is increased by eliminating more than half a conventional cannon's most unreliable parts.

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 2, 2010

May Date for RMAF Sukhoi Simulator

27 Februari 2010

Sukhoi Su-30 flight simulator - Indian version (photo : Trishul)

PETALING JAYA: The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Sukhoi Su-30MKM simulator system is expected to be operational by May.

The system was supposed to be commissioned this month but defence industry sources told The Malay Mail it was not ready.

Last December, HeiTech Padu Bhd president Safiee Mohammad had said the simulator, which includes two high-fidelity Tactical Operational Flight Trainers (TOFT) and computer-based trainer (CBT), would be operational by this month.

Attempts to contact Safiee to clarify the delay were unsuccessful. HeiTech developed the simulator with input from the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the designer of the 30MKM and Irkut planes.

Defence industry sources said Russian engineers would arrive next month to install the system to be housed at a specially designed complex at the Gong Kedak air base where the Sukhoi squadron is based.

“If the trials go well, the simulator is expected to be commissioned by May,” a source said.

The TOFT was developed for full mission training using the Distributed Mission Training concept. This will allow the training mission to be done using more than one simulated aircraft simultaneously.

The RMAF has taken delivery of 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft that were procured in 1999 for RM3.4 billion.

On Dec 14 , 2006, HeiTech announced it had signed an agreement with the Malaysian government to design and build the flight simulator for the Sukhoi SU-30MKM for RMAF. The value of the 13-year contract is RM258 million.

NHF-90 Demos Selex Sonic System in Australia

26 Februari 2010

NHF-90 deployed the sonic sensor for a dip (photo : Selex)

SELEX Galileo’s sonic system OTS-90 successfully showcased in Sydney on board the NH-90 (NFH) SELEX Galileo’s sonic system OTS-90 was demonstrated successfully during recent flight trials performed in Australia. In a demo flight during the PAC2010 Exhibition, the helicopter NH90 (NHF) deployed the sonic sensor for a dip just in front of the Sidney Opera House.

SELEX Galileo’s OTS-90 is an integrated system combining dipping sonar and sonobuoys. The system will equip the MFH ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) fleet of the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) (46 Systems) and the Dutch Navy (14 Systems). The OTS System was developed to meet the requirements of the 4 partner Nations of the NH-90 programme: Germany, France, Netherlands and Italy.

OTS-90 is an integrated system to early detect and classify any potential underwater threat. (photo : Selex)

SELEX Galileo is the prime contractor and design authority for the integrated system and for sonobuoys, while the dipping sonar derives from L-3OS HELRAS (USA), the only true low frequency sonar currently available, capable of detecting and classifying targets at extremely long range, both in blue waters and brown waters. The system can also operate in multistatic modes. The OTS-90 is currently in production for a first batch of 20 systems. Moreover, SELEX Galileo was recently assigned a contract by NHI for the production of a second batch of 20 systems.

(Selex Galileo)

Enstrom Helicopter Wins Royal Thai Army Training Programme

26 Februari 2010

Enstrom 480B (photo : Airliners)

MENOMINEE, MI. --- Enstrom Helicopter Corporation would like to announce that they will be providing 16 480B advanced turbine training helicopters for the Royal Thai Army.

The 480B was selected in a competitive bidding process that included aircraft from 7 different major manufacturers. In October Enstrom hosted a delegation of officials from the Royal Thai Army led by Major General Pittaya Krachangwong, who came to Menominee to inspect Enstrom’s manufacturing facilities and fly the different models of Enstrom helicopters.

“We couldn’t be more excited to be working with the Royal Thai Army,” said Jerry Mullins, Enstrom’s President and CEO. “The 480B turbine helicopter was originally designed for military instruction, and although it has had great success in the commercial market, it’s nice to see it being recognized as a great training ship as well. The Royal Thai Army’s visit has given them the confidence to go forward with Enstrom, now and in the future.”

Along with General Pittaya, three other experienced Royal Thai Army pilots flew the Enstrom 480B and piston powered F28F. “The said it was almost too easy to fly,” commented David Blake of Blake & DeJong Ltd., Enstrom’s Managing Representative in Asia. “None of them have ever flown the 480B before, but they were able to take the controls and immediately felt comfortable enough to fly a number of maneuvers. This will be a great training helicopter for the Royal Thai Army.”

Beyond just training, the Royal Thai Army intends to use their new 480Bs for a number of missions. “Avionics-wise, these new 480B’s are going to be some of more advanced aircraft in the Royal Thai Army’s inventory,” said Enstrom’s Director of Sales & Marketing, Tracy Biegler. “When we explained to the Royal Thai Army firsthand some of the features and capabilities of the EFIS system and the tactical radios, it really opened their eyes. These aircraft will have the ability to do a lot more than just training, such as search and rescue, surveillance, and disaster relief. The Royal Thai Army is definitely going to utilize the flexibility built into the 480B design.”

Enstrom is represented in Asia by Blake & DeJong Ltd., and in Thailand by M-Landarch Inc.

(Defense Aerospace)

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2010

Kockums Receives Overall Design Order for Next-Generation Submarine

26 Februari 2010

Artist’s impression of the Swedish Navy’s next-generation submarine (Kockums photo)

Kockums AB, part of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, has signed a contract with FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration), concerning overall of the design phase of the next-generation submarine.

This confirms the intention to develop Sweden’s submarine capability. Kockums is prime contractor for the order.

The Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces has emphasized the importance of acquiring the next-generation submarine on a number of different occasions.

Kockum's Next generation submarine (photo : Kockum)

The next-generation submarine features several advances in the development of underwater technology and marks the adaptation of submarines to meet current and future threats and to conduct the international mission now required. This refers particularly to the submarine’s role as an information gatherer.

Next-generation also refers to further refinements in terms of stealth technology. The submarine will be able to see and hear everything over a wide area, while itself remaining undetected. It will be designed to be efficient in the Baltic and other littoral waters.

“This is an important first step, not only for Kockums, but for the Swedish Armed Forces as a whole. We shall now be able to maintain our position at the cutting edge of submarine technology, which is vital in the light of current threat scenarios. HMS Gotland demonstrated what she is capable of during two years of joint exercises in the water off the USA. This next-generation submarine marks a further refinement of technology,” states CEO Ola Alfredsson, commenting the news.

Canberra Plans A$45m Upgrade for C-130Js

25 Februari 2010

C-130J of the RAAF (photo : Pbase)

Australia has approved an A$45 million ($40 million) upgrade to its air force's fleet of 12 Lockheed Martin C-130J military transports.

"The Block 7.0 Upgrade will enable Australia's fleet of C-130J to meet new global air traffic management requirements and continue to operate in global airspace," says defence minister John Faulkner.

"These will address system obsolescence, maintain coalition compatibility and enable these aircraft to comply with global air traffic standards."

The work will be part of the C-130J Joint User Group Global Project Arrangement, a multi-national programme that enables several operators to upgrade them together. This includes the USA, the UK, Canada and Italy.

The Royal Australian Air Force uses its C-130Js on missions such as air logistics support, aero-medical evacuation, search and survivor assistance, troop transport and airdrop operations. Three aircraft are based in the Middle East, and the fleet is often called upon for operations on short notice in South-East Asia and the Pacific region.

(Flight International)

Australia Confirms Order for Seven CH-47F Chinooks

25 Februari 2010

Boeing CH-47F Chinook (photo : Key Aero)

Australia has approved the purchase of seven Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters for A$755 million ($670 million).

The first two helicopters will enter service in 2014 and all seven will be operational by 2017, says the Australian Government. The helicopters will replace the Australian army's six older CH-47D helicopters.

"These new helicopters will give the Australian Defence Force (ADF) a robust, deployable medium-lift helicopter capability out to 2040," says Australia's defence minister John Faulkner.
"While the existing fleet of 'D' model Chinooks had provided outstanding support to the ADF since entering service in 1995, the aircraft faced increasing capability and support issues."

This "second pass approval" comes after Australia said during its 2009 defence white paper that it could buy the CH-47F to augment its army's medium-lift capabilities.

The "F" models offer a range of improvements including a strengthened airframe to reduce fatigue, improved deployability, and digital systems, says the defence ministry. "The new Australian Chinooks will also receive some additional ADF-specific equipment to meet certain operational and safety requirements," adds Faulkner.

Canberra will buy the helicopters and maintain them in the same broad configuration as the US Army Chinooks, "providing enhanced benefits to the ADF in areas including spares, support, training and airworthiness", says the ministry.

"The Government will consider whether to participate in the US Chinook Product Improvement Program when information on this programme is of second pass quality. Participation in this program would align the configuration of Australian Chinooks with future US Army Chinooks," says Faulkner.

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2010

Tentera Darat Malaysia Akan Wujudkan Unit Helikopter Tempur

25 Februari 2010

ATLAS AVIATION Afrika Selatan dan Malaysia pada tahun 1995 membahas opsi ko-produksi untuk 12-24 helikopter CSH-2 Rooivalk, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan helikopter serang angkatan darat Malaysia (photo : Military Today)

KUALA LUMPUR -- Tentera Darat akan memperkukuhkan lagi ketumbukan pasukan itu dengan mewujudkan Unit Helikopter Tempur sebagai memperlengkapkan sayap pertahanannya.

Panglima Tentera Darat Jeneral Tan Sri Muhammad Ismail Jamaluddin berkata Selasa, permohonan telah dibuat di peringkat tertinggi Kementerian Pertahanan tetapi keputusan pembelian helikopter tempur itu bergantung kepada peruntukan kerajaan.

"Tentera Darat telah membuat permohonan untuk mendapatkan aset itu dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-10 (RMK-10), namun tertakluk kepada kemampuan kerajaan untuk memperolehi aset berkenaan," katanya ketika sesi wawancara khas bersama media sempena ulangtahun ke-77 Tentera Darat di Kementerian Pertahanan di sini, Selasa.

Beliau bagaimanapun menyatakan jenis dan jumlah pesawat tempur itu belum diputuskan kerana masih di peringkat perbincangan.

AW-109 yang sudah dimiliki Angkatan Darat Malaysia (photo : Militaryphotos)

Sempena ulangtahun itu yang bakal disambut pada 1 Mac ini, yang bertemakan "Tentera Darat Mendokong Aspirasi Rakyat dan Kedaulatan Negara", satu perbarisan akan diadakan di Kem Sungai Besi di sini.

Tentera Darat akan mengadakan pertunjukan udara dengan menampilkan tetamu khas Leftenan Raja Muda Johor, Tunku Ismail Idris Sultan Ibrahim sebagai pembantu juruterbang pada hari itu.

Muhammad Ismail berkata pihaknya turut berpuas hati dan menghargai liputan serta kerjasama baik media mengenai kejayaan Tentera Darat.

Mengulas mengenai pemilihan semula Malaysia untuk mengetuai pasukan pemantau di Mindanao, Filipina, beliau berkata Tentera Darat akan menggalas sepenuh tanggungjawab dalam mengepalai Tim Pemantau Antarabangsa-Mindanao (TPA-M V) itu.

"Tentera Darat yakin boleh melaksanakan misi itu dengan jayanya. Pasukan itu dibarisi oleh pegawai dan anggota yang berpengalaman dan terlatih," katanya.

Pasukan yang akan diketuai oleh pegawai kanan ATM yang berpangkat Mejar Jeneral itu terdiri daripada 12 pegawai dan seorang anggota lain-lain pangkat dari Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), tiga pegawai Polis Diraja Malaysia dan empat pegawai perkhidmatan awam.


Navy Frigate Back In Action With Two New Engines

25 Februari 2010

HMNZS Te Kaha (photo : NZ Navy)

Auckland - The 13-year-old navy frigate HMNZS Te Kaha is back in action after a major refit which saw it get two new diesel engines.

The ship has been out of action since July last year as part of a planned maintenance and mid-life engine upgrade.

It was put back in commission earlier this month but would leave for its next deployment to South East Asia in April without its Phalanx weapons system -- a last line of defence against missiles.

The 20mm rapid-fire machine gun was sent to America for an upgrade which would give the ship protection against fast inshore attack boats and helicopters and was not due back in time to be fitted before Te Kaha left for South East Asia. The Phalanx upgrade for Te Kaha and its sister ship, HMNZS Te Mana was expected to cost up to $25 million.

Lieutenant Commander Chris Fleck, the officer in charge of the engine upgrade, said Te Kaha would be on a diplomatic and training mission in South East Asia and was not on operational duties.

Te Mana was due to begin its engine refit next month and would be out of action until October.

The new engines were part of a package which would cost about $57m for both ships. It also included internal enhancements so the ship could better cope with additional weight from new gear added over the years, an upgrade of the control and monitoring systems and an upgrade of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The control and monitoring systems upgrade, and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning upgrades were likely to start next year or the year after.

Lt Cdr Fleck said the new engines would be more economic but would not allow the ships to go faster than their top speed of 27 knots.

The old engines could push each ship to 18 knots before a gas turbine kicked in for high-speed running.

Lt Cdr Fleck said the new engines would go to 21.5 knots before gas turbines took over, making the ships more economic to operate.

The new engines were also "environmentally compliant", he said.

Te Kaha was expected to be in commission at least until 2025 and Te Mana would last until 2028.

S. Korean Navy to Receive New Patrol Aircraft

25 Februari 2010

P-3CK maritime patrol aircraft (photo : KDN)

The Navy will acquire the first three of the eight planned P-3CK maritime patrol aircraft from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) after a delay of nearly one and a half years due to systems integration and redesign problems.

The last hurdle for their delivery was cleared earlier this month as the U.S. government approved export restrictions on key electronic warfare equipment for the P-3CK, according to KAI and Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) officials.

The P-3CK is one of the new variants of the U.S. P-3 Orion maritime aircraft developed in the 1960s. KAI, South Korea's only aircraft developer, has been in charge of remodeling the older aircraft since 2005.

L-3 Communications Integrated Systems of the United States is a subcontractor that provides system modernization and a service life extension program.

The ceremony to mark the delivery of the three planes will be held at a navy unit in Pohang, about 400 kilometers southeast of Seoul. According to the KAI, the remaining planes will be handed over to the Navy by the end of June.

The Navy expects the new fleet of P-3CK aircraft to boost its maritime surveillance and strike capability against North Korean targets to a great extent.
"The P-3CK is capable of conducting various operations on anti-submarine/anti-ship missions, as well as on early warning and information gathering," a Navy official said.

Key upgrades for the P-3CK include a multi-purpose radar capable of detecting fixed and moving targets on the ground, high-definition electro-optical/infrared cameras, digital acoustic analysis equipment and a magnetic anomaly detector, he said.

The aircraft is also armed with Harpoon Block II air-to-ground missiles and a real-time tactical information transmission system interoperable with the KF-16 fighter jet, said the official.

"North Korean coastal artillery and missile launchers could be neutralized by the Harpoon missiles fired from P-3CKs," the official added.

(Korea Times)

RAAF Will Soon Have its First Super Hornets

24 Februari 2010

The first three F/A-18F Super Hornets destined for service with the Royal Australian Air Force have been handed over. (photo : RAAF)

The first three of an eventual 24 F/A-18F Super Hornets destined for service with the Royal Australian Air Force were handed over to the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation by the US Defence Materiel Organisation at Naval Air Station Lemoore in California, USA.

The three Super Hornets, A44-202, 203 and 204, were checked over by personnel from 1 Squadron based at RAAF Amberley in Queensland.

Raytheon Australia has been awarded a Training Support Services Contract to support Super Hornet training at Amberley. “The signing of the contract is worth approximately $21.5 million over three years, and secures about 25 jobs at RAAF Amberley for that period,” said Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science. Raytheon Australia will provide maintenance, logistics, and training services to support the Super Hornet flight simulators, visual environment maintenance trainers and electronic classrooms.

The first Australian Super Hornets will arrive at Amberley in late March with the rest following through to 2011 and will replace the ageing F-111, which will be retired in December.

(Key Aero)

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 2, 2010

MiGs Will Fly For At Least Another Five Years - Zahid

24 Februari 2010

RMAF's MiG-29N, goverment to continue using jets after repairs (photo : Airliners)

KUANTAN, (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Air Force's (RMAF) MiG-29N aircraft will fly for at least another five years, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.

He said the government had decided to continue operating the Russian-made aircraft although there was a proposal to retire and sell them to third world countries.

"The decision was based on the capability of the aircraft (MIG-29N) in executing the tasks given," he told reporters after visiting the RMAF base here on Tuesday.
Zahid said factors considered include the country's economy which had yet to fully recover from the economic slowdown.

"We plan to buy more multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) but the economic situation is preventing it," he said.The government also considered a suggestion by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who in his blog said the MIG-29N aircraft should be in service.

Zahid said Aerospace Technique System Corporation Sdn Bhd (ATSC) would be asked to refurbish the aircraft by upgrading the equipments at lower costs.

The government had expected to save RM260 million annually with the retirement of the MIGs on Dec 31.

Meanwhile, RMAF chief Gen Datuk Seri Rodzali Daud said only ten MIG aircraft would be taking to the skies as six others had been decommissioned.


Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2010

Philippine Air Force Plans New Transports Deal

23 Februari 2010

Philippine's C-130 Hercules and OV-10 (photo : Airliners)

The Philippine air force is looking to follow a decision on eight utility helicopters by also acquiring one Lockheed Martin C-130H and three smaller transport aircraft.

The service has decided to buy eight
W-3 Sokol combat utility helicopters from Polish manufacturer PZL Swidnik, it says, adding that the budget is 3 billion pesos ($65 million). Deliveries will start later this year.

"The contract is signed and the government is funding it from the 5 billion pesos that the Philippine president, Gloria Arroyo, released a few years ago for the service's modernisation programme," the air force says.

It also says it is "going to acquire a refurbished C-130H" and three smaller transport aircraft that can each seat between nine and 12 passengers. These are required to meet troop transport requirements, especially to Mindanao, it says, referring to a major city in the southern Philippines, which is a hotbed of activity by Muslim insurgents.

The air force uses a mix of older fixed-wing aircraft that includes two operational C-130Hs, plus two
Fokker F27s and 12 GAF Nomads, as listed by Flightglobal's MiliCAS database.

The service has yet to start the bidding process for the planned new fleet of small transports, saying: "We are still waiting for the funds to be released." The budget for the purchase is 920 million pesos, it adds.

(Flight International)

S-400 Catches Up, For Real

23 Februari 2010

S-400 Triumf air defense system (image : RIA Novosti)

Russia activated its first S-400 (also known as the SA-20, Growler or Triumf) anti-aircraft missile system around Moscow. This new version of the S-300 pays particular attention to electronic countermeasures that the Americans might have, or be developing. Two years ago, Russia announced that the first S-400 had entered service around Moscow. But that didn't actually happen, and development work continued. Recent test firings of the missiles were successful, and a battalion is now deployed around Moscow. Each S-400 battalion has eight launchers, each with four missiles, plus a control center and radar. The two year delay allowed more system components to be built, so two more battalions will be in place around Moscow by the end of the year.

The S-400 is similar to the U.S. Patriot, and is expensive. Russia is unsure if they want to export S-400 right away, because of the advanced technology. Meanwhile, work is underway on the S-500, which is scheduled for deployment within five years.

The S-400 missiles weigh 1.8 tons each and are 26 feet long and about 20 inches in diameter. The missiles have a range of some 400 kilometers, and can hit targets as high as 100,000 feet. The missile has a 320 pound warhead. The target acquisition radar has a range of 700 kilometers.

The S-400 has over five times the range of the U.S. Patriot, weighs twice as much and claims the ability to detect stealthy aircraft. The S-400 also has an anti-missile capability, which is limited to shorter range (3,500 kilometers) ballistic missiles. That would mean a warhead coming in at about 5,000 meters a second (the longer the range of a ballistic missile, the higher its re-entry speed).

The S-400 system actually has two missiles, one of them being a smaller, shorter range (120 kilometers) one. The S-400 has no combat experience, but U.S. intelligence believes that the tests these systems have undergone indicate it is a capable air defense weapon. Just how capable won't be known until it actually gets used in combat.

Russia plans to buy up to 200 launchers (each with four missiles) by 2015, and phase out the older S-300 and S-200 systems. This would mean deploying at least 18 battalions in the next six years, and perhaps more than twenty. The S-400 is sometimes described as an improved version of the S-300. Basically, it is. This is how Russia prefers to develop weapons, making incremental improvements on a basic design, and doing so for decades if the system continues to be successful.

(Strategy Page)

PC-21 Demo Tour to Australia

23 Februari 2010

The PC-21 cockpit features customisable MFDs, HOTAS and a HUD. (photo : Australian Aviation)

PC-21 on Tour

Pilatus is currently undertaking a month long demonstration tour of Australia with its PC-21 turboprop military trainer, a contender for the ADF’s Project Air 5428 Pilot Training System program.

PC-21 HB-HZD arrived in Darwin on February 11 after being displayed at the Singapore Airshow. Its tour so far has seen it visit Amberley, Tamworth (home of the RAAF’s Basic Flying Training School), Williamtown and Richmond. On February 22 it arrived at Canberra where it will be demonstrated to RAAF personnel over the next three days, before it continues to Point Cook, East Sale, Edinburgh and Pearce, before departing through Darwin on March 19 or 20 to return to Switzerland.

A RAAF PC-9 and PC-21 HB-HZD in Canberra on February 22. (photo : Australian Aviation)

While in Australia the PC-21 is being demonstrated by Pilatus pilots Reto Aeschlimann and William ‘Muz’ Colqhoun, and is being supported by a PC-12. Aeschlimann is a former Swiss Air Force F/A-18 pilot, Colqhoun an ex RAF C-130 pilot and graduate of the Empire Test Pilots’ School.

The PC-21 is in service with the Republic of Singapore Air Force at Pearce, and has recently been selected by the United Arab Emirates Air Force and Air Defence.

(Australian Aviation)

Super Tucano Pesawat dengan Biaya Operasional Rendah

23 Februari 2010

EMB-314/A-29B Super Tucano (photo : Jones Aviao)

TNI akan Beli Pesawat Tempur Buatan Brazil

JAKARTA--MI: Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat mengatakan TNI AU berencana membeli satu squadron (16 unit) pesawat tempur Super Tucano buatan Brazil sebagai pengganti pesawat tempur OV-10 yang telah dikandangkan sejak tahun 2007.

Dikatakan Imam, pembelian pesawat Super Tucano ini membutuhkan anggaran US$250 juta. "Pada awalnya dianggarkan hanya US$200 juta, tapi karena informasi dari produsen harganya naik maka anggarannya tidak cukup US$13 juta per unit. Karena itu, TNI AU mengusulkan tambahan anggaran US$50 juta tahun 2010 sehingga total anggaran menjadi US$250 juta," kata Imam saat Rapat Kerja dengan Komisi I DPR bersama Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

Rapat tersebut juga dihadiri oleh Panglima TNI Jenderal Djoko Santoso, Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut, Laksamana Agus Suhartono, Wakil Menhan, Jenderal TNI Sjafrie Sjamsuddin, dan Wakil Kasad Letjen TNI Yohanes Suryo Prabowo yang digelar di ruang Komisi I DPR Senayan Jakarta, Senin (22/2).

Kasau menjelaskan, rencana pembelian pesawat Super Tucano ini telah diprogram dalam dua tahun anggaran yaitu tahun 2009 dianggarkan US$148 juta dan tahun 2010 sebanyak US$52 juta.

Menurut Imam, keunggulan pesawat jenis super tucano ini tidak hanya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pesawat tempur jenis F-16, akan tetapi paling murah biaya operasinya. Untuk satu jam operasi pesawat Super Tucano hanya membutuhkan US$70.

"Saya berharap Komisi I DPR, Menhan dan Panglima TNI bisa mendukung realisasi lebih cepat pembelian pesawat Super Tucano tahun 2010 ini," katanya. Kasau juga menjelaskan, pesawat Super Tucano ini merupakan pesawat tempur taktis yang berfungsi sebagai counter insurgency, dan sebagai pesawat remote air control (pesawat kontrol udara). Artinya, apabila ada pesawat yang lebih kencang seperti F-16 bisa memberitahu sasarannya. Keunggulan lainnya, kata Kasau, pesawat Super Tucano mampu membawa amunisi minimal 1500 kilo gram. Selain itu, pesawat Super Tucano juga digunakan oleh banyak negara termasuk AS. Pesawat Super Tucano juga lebih unggul karena bisa beroperasi minimal tiga jam.

Di Brazil, menurut Kasau, pesawat Super Tucano ini berhasil mengurangi illegal logging, trafficking. "Spesifikasi pesawat tempur Super Tucano ini lebih baik dan lebih besar. Digunakan sebagai pesawat temput taktis dan counter insurgency serta remote air control, dan juga akan digunakan sebagai pesawat intai," katanya.

Kasau menambahkan, proses pembelian pesawat Super Tucano sudah berjalan sejak 2007, dan proses pengumuman juga sudah berjalan. TNI AU termasuk Komisi I DPR periode 2004-2009 sudah melakukan peninjauan di pabriknya pada Februari 2007.

Menurutnya, TNI AU sangat membutuhkan pembelian pesawat temput jenis Super Tucano untuk menggantikan pesawat temput jenis OV-10 yang dikandangkan setelah ada kecelakaan pada 4 Oktober 2007. (ST/OL-7)

The Second and Third Gripen of the Thai Air Force First Flight

22 Februari 2010

The second and third Gripen of the RTAF (photo : Saab)

Two-seat version of the Gripen aircraft and two single-seat version of the first aircraft to fly. The image is noticed integrated electronic warfare system, EWS-39 is looking at installing a two-seat model number 70102 with the following manufacturers have not installed EWS-39 at a time when the numbers 1 to flight first time.

RTAF's Gripen during first flight (photo : Saab)

The Cabinet also approved 800 million baht budget to provide two Gripen lot to provide integrated electronic warfare system looking EWS-39 installed on the 12 Gripen aircraft.


Budget 2010: Defence Budget Largely Unchanged

22 Februari 2010
Singapore's Leopard II MBT (photo : clubsnap)

SINGAPORE, which has one of Asia's best-equipped militaries, is planning to spend $11.46 billion on defence this year, government data showed on Monday.
The allocation is up 0.1 per cent from last year, figures from the 2010 budget showed.

Singapore's navy, army and air force will get 10.95 billion dollars to buy and maintain military equipment, for the upkeep of camps and for payment of salaries.

Singapore has a population of 4.99 million people, 3.73 million of them citizens and permanent residents who provide the manpower for its conscription-based armed forces.

BAE Systems Secures Australian Thermal Weapon Sight Contract

22 Februari 2010

AN/PAS-13C Thermal weapon sight (photo : BAE)

Adelaide, Australia – BAE Systems has secured a contract to supply a new targeting system for the Australian Army’s new Carl Gustaf M3 weapons.

BAE Systems will provide more than 400 of its proven, uncooled AN/PAS-13C thermal weapon sights to equip the Army’s crew-served Carl Gustaf shoulder-fired 84mm direct-fire weapons.

The sights can be used for both day and night operations, and in adverse conditions such as smoke and dust, enabling the user to track a round all the way to the target.

The sights also are self-contained and eliminate the need for cables and day/night mode switching, and can be readily used for surveillance off-weapon via a quick release mount, according to Ian Sharp, Director of BAE Systems Australia’s Land Business Unit.

“They are a reliable, lightweight, and simple to use, combined imaging and sighting systems for all conditions. Users are able to rapidly convert to the new sight from the Carl Gustaf’s current day-only sight,” Mr Sharp said.

He said that the contract was another example of the company’s ability to reach back to access the diverse capabilities of the global BAE Systems organisation, adapt them to a local requirement and support them with a comprehensive regional through life support solution.

“The sight is manufactured by our US-based Electronics, Intelligence & Support business. It is a proven military off-the-shelf (MOTS) advanced, uncooled thermal sensor, with more than 50,000 currently fielded on 12 weapon types operating across coalition forces.

“Our Australian team was able to contribute rapid and innovative engineering design to integrate the sight to the Carl Gustaf within just 90 days for program trials.

“The sight performed so well during trials on the Carl Gustaf launcher that it has now been adopted for other crew-served weapons in several other countries and has been fielded in theatre in Afghanistan through Urgent Operational Requirements,” Mr Sharp said.

The contract is valued at AUD $16 million.


Pemerintah Siapkan Rp 100 Triliun untuk Alutsista

22 Februari 2010

Tank Scorpion milik TNI-AD (photo : Detik)

Menhan: Rp 50 Triliun Lagi Masih Dicari Solusinya

JAKARTA - Untuk kebutuhan alutsista (alat utama sistem pertahanan) dalam kurun waktu lima tahun (2010-2014), pemerintah hanya bisa menyediakan dana sebesar Rp 100 triliun dari total anggaran sebesar Rp 149,78 trilun. Itu berarti masih ada sekitar Rp 50 triliun yang masih menggantung.

"Jujur saja, dari sekitar Rp 150 triliun kebutuhan alutsista, pemerintah hanya oke Rp 100 triliun saja. Sisanya itu yang lagi kita cari solusinya, dari mana diambil," kata Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, dalam raker dengan Komisi I DPR RI, Senin (22/2).

Disampaikan Menhan, kebutuhan alutsista yang tercantum dalam renstra 2010-2014 itu terdiri dari pengadaan sebesar Rp 87,32 triliun, serta perawatan/pemeliharaan Rp 62,46 triliun. Rinciannya adalah untuk tahun anggaran 2010 sebesar Rp 23,01 triliun, 2011 sebesar Rp 32,29 triliun, TA 2012 Rp 29,66 triliun, TA 2013 Rp 32,58 triliun, serta TA 2014 sebanyak Rp 32,15 triliun.

"Mekanisme pengadaan dan tender alutsista TNI telah diatur melalui Permenhan No: PER/06/M/VII/2006 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Militer dan Permenhan No: PER/07/M/VII/2006 tentang Tata Cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Militer dengan Menggunakan Fasilitas KE di Kemhan dan TNI," tutur Purnomo.

Selain itu, lanjut Purnomo pula, pengadaan alutsista diupayakan semaksimal mungkin secara government to government. Namun bila tidak memungkinkan, maka dilaksanakan secara government to producer. Sementara alternatif terakhir katanya, adalah melalui authorized distributor. (esy/jpnn)


TNI Anggarkan Beli Kapal Cepat Trimaran dan 16 Super Tucano

22 Februari 2010

Kapal Cepat Trimaran X3K (image : Lundin)

Panglima TNI: Pesawat Super Tucano Gantikan OV-10

JAKARTA, - Panglima TNI Jenderal Djoko Santoso menjelaskan, rencana TNI berencana membeli pesawat jenis Super Tucano merupakan pengganti pesawat OV-10 yang telah di-"grounded". Hal itu dijelaskan Panglima saat rapat kerja dengan Komisi I di gedung DPR Jakarta, Senin (22/2/2010).

Panglima TNI menjelaskan proses pembelian alutsista itu dilaksanakan pada renstra II tahun 2010-2014. Sementara, penjelasan Panglima ini terkait dengan pertanyaan kalangan anggota Komisi I DPR seputar rencana TNI AU membeli pesawat Super Tucano untuk ditempatkan di skadron 14 Madiun dan rencana TNI AL membeli kapal patroli cepat. "TNI AU telah mengajukan anggaran pembelian beserta dukungannya sebanyak 16 unit untuk satu skadron," ujarnya.

Terkait upaya pemberdayaan industri strategis pertahanan nasional, menurut Panglima TNI, pihaknya juga berencana melibatkan atau menjalin kerjasama PT Dirgantara Indonesia dalam berbagai hal yang menyangkut pelatihan, jaminan ketersediaan suku cadang, prosentase kandungan lokal dan alih teknologi.

Tentang pembelian kapal patroli cepat, Panglima TNI mengatakan bahwa sesuai dengan renstra II tahun 2010-2014, TNI AL telah menganggarkan pembelian Kapal Cepat Rudal Trimaran dengan panjang 60 meter dan Kapal Cepat Rudal sepanjang 40 meter. "Keduanya merupakan produk industri swasta nasional," kata Panglima TNI.

Dalam raker yang dipimpin Ketua Komisi I Aziz Stamboel (FPKS), hadir pula Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, para kepala staf TNI dan Wakil Menhan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin.


Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 2, 2010

Regional Air Force Directory 2010 (2)

22 Februari 2010


New Zealand




(Asian Military Review)

Regional Air Force Directory 2010 (1)

21 Februari 2010

Majalah Asian Military Review terbitan Januari 2010 memuat direktori angkatan udara di kawasan Asia. Berikut adalah direktori angkatan udara negara-negara di Asia Tenggara dan Oceania yang disusun menurut urutan alfabet.





